
The Conversational German course is an intensive and interactive learning experience designed to improve your oral communication skills in German. This course is aimed at participants who already have a basic knowledge of German and would like to develop their speaking, listening and comprehension skills.

Course objectives:

  • Improvement of oral communication skills.
  • Expansion of vocabulary and the ability to express oneself.
  • Development of self-confidence when speaking in.
  • Promotion of natural and fluent language use.
  • Immerse yourself in the culture and everyday situations of the speakers.

Course content:

The conversation course focuses on the following topics:

  1. Everyday situations: We will deal with real everyday scenarios, such as shopping, traveling, eating out and much more. You will learn how to communicate in these situations.
  2. Discussions and debates: Through discussions and debates on current topics, you will improve your argumentation skills and your ability to express your opinion.
  3. Role-playing games: You will take on different roles in role plays to simulate practical communication situations and improve your language skills.
  4. Pronunciation and accent: We will work intensively on the correct pronunciation and intonation in [language] to optimize your comprehensibility.
  5. Cultural understanding: An important part of the course will be getting to know the cultural nuances and social customs of the speakers.

Course format:

This conversation course is conducted in a small group of learners to ensure maximum interaction and individual feedback. The course duration is 4 weeks, which can be booked consecutively, the lessons take place twice a week, 90 minutes each time.


To take part in the conversation course, participants should have at least B1 knowledge of the German language. A placement test can be carried out before the start of the course to ensure that learners start at the right level.


This course offers an ideal opportunity to improve your German language skills in a communicative environment and to strengthen your confidence in speaking. We look forward to working with you to achieve your language goals and introduce you to the exciting world of German.