culture-specific business activities.

Country-specific programs that give your employees the skills and confidence to succeed in a particular foreign market or do business with colleagues from a particular culture.

In addition to in-depth knowledge of the local culture, including local business etiquette, your employees will receive practical strategies and tips for specific business trips and building long-term business relationships.

Culture focus for business success across borders

Cooperation with colleagues & success on business trips is a central point in cultural integration in the labor market. Sound knowledge of culture & business etiquette at the communication level is therefore essential. With the right strategies for success, we will get you to your destination.

Cooperation with colleagues & success on business trips is a central point in cultural integration in the labor market. Sound knowledge of culture & business etiquette at the communication level is therefore essential. With the right strategies for success, we will get you to your destination.



"Mastering challenges in global teams

SPLIT methodology

"Learn the right SPLIT methodology."


"Get to know untersch. Get to know different cultural dimensions"

Working in the destination country

"Understanding & learning about intercultural barriers"

The onboarding program and intercultural communication

These are crucial elements of our corporate philosophy that lay the foundation for successful and harmonious cooperation.

Our onboarding program is designed to give new employees a smooth start in the company while placing a strong focus on developing intercultural communication skills. Here are some key elements

start now with the 4-step onboarding


Course duration:
Individual training: 8 hours
Group training: 16 hours

Course form:
According to your own availability in two- or four-hour online trainings.

Course planning:
For employees, group training with similar cultural challenges