Visa for Germany

Who needs a visa?

Whether and which visa you need to apply for depends on which country you come from and what professional qualifications you have.

Citizens of EU/EFTA states

If you are an EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement, you have unrestricted access to the German labor market. You do not need a visa or residence permit to enter or work in Germany. The same applies if you come from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland (EFTA states).

Nationals from third countries (non-EU/non-EFTA countries)

Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the USA can also enter Germany without a visa and apply for a residence permit for employment in Germany before taking up work. Only if you are a citizen or national of these countries can you apply directly to the foreigners authority in your city - even if you are already in Germany. However, if you wish to take up employment shortly after entering Germany, it is advisable to apply for a corresponding visa before entering the country.

All other third-country nationals must apply for a visa at the relevant German embassy or consulate before entering the country.

Step by step